As the global landscape undergoes transformation, organizations must recognize the influential role not only of programming languages but also of spoken languages in leading economies and shaping the future. It is crucial for companies to understand the dynamics of the specific markets and regions where they operate, while also embracing adaptability to emerging markets and the languages they use to conduct business

Addressing Customer Needs with Foreign Language Training

“There are currently more than 1,739 languages spoken today, and more are being created every day while others are on the decline, heading towards extinction. Approximately 40% of today’s languages are at risk of disappearing, while those that are currently dominating are set to continue to grow in popularity,” (Psychreg News Team). A survey conducted for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) reveals that 65 million U.S. residents speak a language other than English. Hence, American employers should not solely rely on the English abilities of their partners or customers, but also identify and address the current and future language needs of their customer base and organization’s workforce, providing training for potential or current employees accordingly.

Most Widely Spoken Languages in the Global Workforce

The language strategies of a company should align with its specific needs. However, certain languages consistently capture the attention of different researchers’ lists, such as Mandarin, Portuguese, Arabic, French, Hindi-Urdu, Russian, Spanish, German, Japanese, and English. China’s growing economic influence makes Mandarin a strategic choice, while Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages globally. “The language of the Latin American world, Spanish is the powerhouse of the business language of the future and is surely one of the languages that will be one of the most lucrative ones in the future,” (Hashmi).

Similarly, Arabic, spoken across a significant part of the Middle East and North Africa, is crucial for those involved in business or diplomacy. Knowledge of Hindi is beneficial for both business and cultural exchange, and French is an official language of numerous international organizations. Similarly, learning German, the official language of a European economic power, can be advantageous for business and academic pursuits. English—the language of business—is predicted to maintain its popularity in the coming years. “There are 1.2 billion speakers of English around the globe. About 350 million people speak English as their native language,” (Bella).

If your company aims to enhance its team members’ language skills and prepare them to face future communication challenges, connect with Language Testing International (LTI) today. “The future of language is also near—the rapidly developing language recognition features of artificial intelligence is but one indicator of this,” (Koyfman). As a leading language assessment provider, LTI offers comprehensive solutions for your language-related needs and options for learning. With legally defensible language credentials in over 120 languages, LTI’s remotely proctored tests ensure accurate determination of individual proficiency levels, making language assessments accessible anytime, anywhere.



American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Lead with Languages Campaign commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International. (2019). “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers.”

Bella. “Top 10 Languages Of Future – 2021 Guide.” The Language Doctors. January 29, 2021.

Hashmi, Aen Ali. “Most Useful Languages in the Future.” Mars Translation. 26-04-2018.

Koyfman, Steph. “Will The World Ever Be Monolingual?” Babbel Magazine. November 16, 2018.

Psychreg News Team. “What Languages Will Dominate by 2050.” 23 November 2021, updated 02 October 2023.

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