The Linkage Between Productivity and Language Proficiency

Is your organization grappling with a significant discrepancy between the language proficiency skills of your employees and the language needs your company relies on to do business? Offering language support to employees, especially when language proficiency plays a critical role in your company operations, is a vital step that can greatly impact the organization’s productivity. […]

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Celebrating Language Proficiency: Meet the LTI’s Seal of Biliteracy Achievement Scholarship Recipients

Language Testing International, the exclusive licensee of ACTFL, is thrilled to sponsor the Seal of Biliteracy Achievement Scholarship, an award that recognizes the dedication of language learners who attain proficiency in two or more languages. This scholarship serves as a platform to honor their remarkable achievements and celebrate their linguistic accomplishments. This year, we received […]

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One Test, Many Advantages: Proving Your Language Proficiency with ACTFL Assessments

In today’s interconnected and globalized world, language proficiency has become a highly sought-after skill. For students, professionals, or anyone interested in expanding their cultural horizons, having a reliable and recognized method to verify language abilities is crucial. This is where ACTFL assessments come into play, offering a multitude of advantages beyond just being a language […]

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