Plan Now for AAPPL

The beginning of the school year provides teachers and students alike, a fresh perspective and endless possibilities for changing the way things “have been done.” The AAPPL offers teachers an external measurement as their student move towards proficiency, which can be used for a multitude of different reasons.

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Getting Ahead in the Infotech World

Information technology is the study, design, and development of computer systems and networks, and it’s one of the most important fields of the future. Millions of jobs have been created by IT, as it plays a vital role in every aspect of modern-day life. The tech world is full of different languages – JavaScript, Ruby […]

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The Most Useful Languages to Learn in 2018

There are so many good reasons to learn a new language. Language skills are more sought-after than ever in the business world, with the number of bi or multilingual job offerings doubling in the United States alone in a five year period. An official language certification leads to increased job opportunities, instills confidence, and creates […]

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