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Language Testing for the Manufacturing Industry

Language testing encompasses several assessments designed to measure individuals' language skills and abilities. Within the manufacturing industry, proficiency tests allow a hiring team to quickly and objectively determine an applicant's ability to understand and communicate using that language. 

These proficiency tests also help define employees' skill levels and the areas they can improve in to grow as professionals. Language testing provides the insight needed to complete tasks and ensure the manufacturing business is positioned to gain a more robust global presence. 

Understanding the Importance of Language Testing in the Manufacturing Industry

No matter the size or scope of your manufacturing business, having a team of professionals with bilingual or multilingual skills has several advantages. 

Effective Communication's Role in Manufacturing

Work involving everything from evolving technologies and equipment to global contracts necessitates all employees communicating effectively as a team.

The more proficient a team member is in a world language, the better they will be able to work with others. Whether working on design aspects or utilizing production equipment, language proficiency ensures quality control, safety, and productivity.

The Use of Language Proficiency Tests in Hiring Processes

While a potential employee may state that they are skilled in a world language, a language proficiency test can provide hiring managers with a more in-depth look at how well they've mastered speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills. 

Having applicants take a language proficiency test early in the hiring process can streamline recruitment. Assess an applicant's proficiency level and move forward with the candidates who have the skills and foundation they'll need to succeed in the role. 

Because many of these tests are flexible and can be delivered remotely, you'll have a convenient method to verify applicants' oral and written communication skills.

The Benefits of Language Testing for Manufacturing Companies

For manufacturing companies specifically, language proficiency can provide several benefits.

Improved Safety and Compliance

Safety is a top concern when working with hazardous materials and heavy machinery. Communicating how to safely operate and identify potential issues and hazards is crucial to keeping the entire workforce safe. 

If your manufacturing company needs to transport goods from one location to another, your team must be able to identify and communicate any safety concerns along the way. Whether employees face a mechanical failure or something happens to the materials or machinery they are transporting, they'll be able to report the situation to the proper person effectively. Knowing your team is well-equipped to navigate any safety concerns on the job ensures everyone stays safe and operations continue running smoothly.

Many companies focus their testing efforts on English proficiency to ensure all team members understand and follow safety training and protocols. There may also be specific compliance regulations that your team needs to be aware of. By minimizing misunderstandings and risk, language proficiency can reduce workplace accidents and ensure your business remains compliant. 

Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency

Having a team of multilingual employees can lead to increased productivity and efficiency. If there is a language barrier in the workplace, it will be more challenging for your manufacturing team to work together and complete tasks — especially those that require collaboration. 

When your team can communicate effectively, they'll be able to streamline their workflows and improve the overall efficiency of their tasks. Language proficiency can reduce workplace accidents and ensure your business remains compliant by preventing misunderstandings and risks. 

How Language Testing Contributes to Manufacturing Companies' Global Success 

Whether your manufacturing business is just getting started or is already well-established in the industry, language testing can assist in expanding globally.

Fostering International Business Relationships

Language proficiency can play a direct role in both building and maintaining international partnerships. Collaborating effectively on a global scale requires a solid understanding of the second language. Without that, a language barrier can prove to be an insurmountable challenge for everything from performing daily tasks to achieving future goals.

Demonstrating fluency in a world language will foster current — and future — relationships and enhance your global reputation, opening up more opportunities in the future.

Increasing Competitive Advantage

Language proficiency shares a direct link with competitive advantage on a global scale. The more proficient your workforce is, the easier it will be to connect with customers or partners worldwide. 

With more and more businesses branching out from a local focus, having a team of multilingual employees better prepares manufacturing companies to adapt to a changing global market.

Language Testing Services Offered by Language Testing International®

Language Testing International provides the top-quality, reliable services you need to accurately assess proficiency. Discover tests designed to gauge specific skills to determine proficiency levels in your hiring applicants and employees. 

Available Language Testing Services

At Language Testing International, you'll have access to proficiency tests from ACTFL that assess these skill areas: 

  • Reading: When taking the Reading Proficiency Test (RPT), an applicant will be prompted to read passages and answer multiple-choice questions based on what they’ve read. It lets you immediately access the results once they are done so you can determine their range of proficiency. 
  • Listening: With the Listening Proficiency Test (LPT), you'll gain insight into how well an applicant or employee can spontaneously understand spoken language. This test is formatted with multiple-choice answers to show whether the individual can follow what is said in real-time.
  • Writing: Through the Writing Proficiency Test (WPT), the test-taker will answer open-ended writing prompts. Doing so without access to editing tools or revising demonstrates their ability to write spontaneously in the language.
  • Speaking — interview: The Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) is a live, 15- to 30-minute phone conversation held to determine your applicant's speaking proficiency. It's formatted like a real-life conversation, allowing you to see the individual's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Speaking — computer: Similar to the OPI, the Oral Proficiency Interview — computer (OPIc) helps gauge an applicant's speaking skills. Because it's delivered via computer, it offers more flexibility for both the candidate and proctor. 

Why Choose Language Testing International to Support Your Hiring Process?

Language Testing International has proudly served as a leader in language proficiency testing since 1992. As the exclusive licensee of ACTFL tests encompassing over 120 languages in over 60 countries, LTI® ensures that gaining an in-depth look at an applicant's or employee's language understanding and aptitude has never been easier. 

Take advantage of recognized and widely accepted language assessments to receive a valid language credential for your manufacturing business. 

Invest in Language Proficiency Tests Today to Get Your Team Certified

From enhancing your workforce's safety and productivity to streamlining the hiring process, language proficiency testing can significantly impact your manufacturing business. Access to remotely monitored proficiency solutions makes a difference in your company and on a global scale. 

Get started today by investing in language testing for your employees by entering your business's information and requirements into our sales form. You'll work one-on-one with an LTI team member who will help you determine which language proficiency test would best fit the needs of your manufacturing business. Getting your team certified has never been easier. 

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